I'm pregnant? Really? Wow? O.k...
Well, I will be honest...finding out I was pregnant was a total surprise. I'm normally up to speed with my body and every thing that goes on with it but somehow I missed this one. After we got over the initial shock, we were excited for what the future had in store for us.
Today I'm 12 weeks pregnant and I'm finally starting to feel like myself. The last five weeks were a multitude of emotional and physical changes.
I found out I was pregnant when I was around 6 weeks. (June 15th to be exact). This is also when my morning sickness decided to show up and show out.
"Morning Sickness" (MS) should be called something else because the title is very misleading. I was sick in the morning, afternoon evening and every time in between.
I had a parade of MS symptoms and it appeared to be a different symptom every week. It started off with overwhelming fatigue and nauseousness...then indigestion so bad I had to carry antacid chews with me everywhere I went. I had a limited desire for certain foods. I went through a phase of only eating baked potatoes, toast and apples. Week 9 brought an annoying symptom "the spits"...gross right? The medical term for "the spits" is called pytalism apparently it's common amongst pregnant women. I will save the rest of my MS story for a later blog post.
There was one thing that was awesome during the first trimester and that was the amazing change to my skin. For the first time in years my complexion was clear and radiant, it's awesome!
Well, now that I'm feeling much better I have time to post blogs and videos. I wanted to post a video on youtube and share the good news but I was too tired to do much of anything.
This blog is dedicated to my pregnancy journey and eventually my journey as a parent so stay tuned. Thanks for reading and please leave a comment and let me know you're out there.
Talk to you soon,
"V is for Virtue"
www. youtube.com/visforvirtue
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