
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Gender Reveal Party

So at the last minute we decided to have a gender reveal party.  Our ultrasound appointment was on a Tuesday and we decided to have the party on that following Saturday.  The ultrasound tech was very nice and was happy to keep the gender of our baby a mystery for us. We got to see the baby on the screen but when it came to the gender the technician turned the monitor  away from us so we wouldn't be tempted to take a peek.  We handed the technician an enveloped with a piece of paper inside that had "boy or girl" written on it.  She circled the gender with a grin on her face and stuffed the paper in the envelope and sealed it.  Now it was up to us not to open it until the reveal.

There are a number of creative ways to reveal the gender.  You can just google "gender reveal" and a host of themes and ideas will pop up.  We decided to do a cake reveal since I love cake.  I had a co-worker open the envelope and call the order in to the bakery.  The cake came from Whole Foods.   The only thing we forgot to do was tell the bakery what color we wanted the cake decorations, which is why the cake didn't match the blue and pink decor.  Either way, the cake was delicious, so it didn't matter. 

The party was a lot of fun and we are glad we decided to share this special moment with close friends and family.

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